Perchance, the story depicted in True Blood, The Vampire Dairy or Blade, seems to gradually unveil itself in real times as Michelle narrate her addiction to drinking blood. Michelle, a 29-year-old resident of Lancaster, California and self-proclaimed connoisseur of both human and animal blood.
Michelle is a tattoo artist and a blood sucker but not a vampire, even though she seems to posses some of their said qualities. She prefers pig's blood to beef blood because it's gamier. She reports that every human's blood has their own flavor and unique taste, there is a difference between men and women's blood (men's is thicker) and that she generally extracts it from the upper arm, elbow area, upper back or inner thigh. "I try to avoid the neck 'cause that's way too cliché," says Michelle.
Michelle, who seems hell-bent on drinking blood all day, every day, says during the episode: “I drink human blood as much as I can, blood is as important as water to me, I like to drink blood when I’m reading, when I’m relaxing, when I’m watching TV, when I’m painting. There’s never a bad time for me to drink blood. I even cook with it," she explains.
The addiction is so severe that she can not start her day without a sip of her 'favorite wine.' "I drink it and I get energized for the day. I have drank up to 1000 gallons and counting".
Source TLC
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